11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini difokuskan pada upaya untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada ranah kognitif melalui penerapan model pembelajaran fisika berbasis penemuan yang dikhususkan pada konsep Hukum Newton. Pendekatan berbasis penemuan diharapkan dan dipercaya dapat mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbagai aspek salah satunya prestasi belajar yang menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan materi fisika yang dicapai siswa setelah mengikuti proses belajar mengajar sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan yang diharapkan. Peneliti melakukan studi mengenai proses pembelajaran fisika berorientasi penemuan bagi siswa SMP pada materi Hukum Newton dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII B pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2013-2014 di salah satu SMP negeri di Kota Bandung sebanyak 34 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menginformasikan bahwa skor rata-rata pretest 69,56 dan skor rata-rata posttest sebesar 80,29 serta nilai rata-rata gain ternormalisasi sebesar 0,35 dengan kategori sedang. Peneliti menyimpulkan pembelajaran ini dapat dikatakan memberikan dampak positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa mampu mengorganisir dan membangun pengetahuan dengan baik. Kata kunci: Pendekatan penemuan, pembelajaran fisika, prestasi belajar siswa


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    ABSTRAK   Artikel ini membahas konsep termodinamika yang berlaku pada Lubang Hitam, yaitu hukum termodinamika pertama dan kedua. Hukum pertama termodinamika menghubungkan perubahan massa dengan perubahan entropi dan kerja, memungkinkan Lubang Hitam diperlakukan sebagai sistem termodinamika dengan suhu dan entropi. Hukum kedua termodinamika menyatakan bahwa entropi suatu sistem terisolasi dalam kesetimbangan termodinamika selalu meningkat atau tetap konstan, termasuk untuk Lubang Hitam. Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam artikel ini melibatkan derivasi matematis untuk entropi Lubang Hitam, dengan menggabungkan hukum kedua termodinamika dan konsep termodinamika Lubang Hitam, di mana entropi dapat dinyatakan sebagai fungsi luas cakrawala peristiwa. Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya konsep entropi dan termodinamika Lubang Hitam dalam memahami alam semesta, serta penerapannya di berbagai bidang sains.   Kata kunci—Lubang Hitam, Termodinamika, Entropi, Hukum pertama termodinamika, Hukum kedua termodinamika   ABSTRACT   This article delves into the concepts of thermodynamics that apply to Lubang Hitams, namely the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics connects changes in mass with changes in entropy and work, allowing Lubang Hitams to be treated as thermodynamic systems with temperature and entropy. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system in thermodynamic equilibrium always increases or remains constant, including for Lubang Hitams. The writing approach employed in this article involves mathematical derivations for Lubang Hitam entropy, combining the second law of thermodynamics with the concept of Lubang Hitam thermodynamics, where entropy can be expressed as a function of the event horizon's surface area. This article highlights the significance of entropy and Lubang Hitam thermodynamics in understanding the universe, as well as their applications in various scientific fields.   Keywords—Lubang Hitam, Thermodynamics, Entropy, First law of thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamic

    Investigating the Relationship between Climate Variables and Solar Activity: A Regression Analysis Approach

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    This study employs regression analysis to investigate the relationships between carbon dioxide levels, sunspot occurrences, and global temperatures, encompassing both land and sea. By uncovering these connections, the study contributes to our understanding of climate change and solar phenomena interactions. The primary objective is to reveal the intricate associations between these elements, potentially influencing climate change and solar activity. The study's outcomes have significant implications for climate change research and solar activity monitoring. The positive correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ocean temperatures emphasizes the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide on sea temperature fluctuations. Conversely, the inverse correlation between sunspot numbers and land/global temperatures suggests solar activity's potential role in shaping Earth's temperature oscillations. This research introduces novelty by concurrently investigating the interconnectedness of these factors. The study establishes substantial connections between carbon dioxide concentration, sunspot numbers, and global temperatures. While the models shed light on some variability, the complexity of climate change and solar activity calls for further exploration of additional factors. This underscores the need to consider multiple variables for a comprehensive understanding. Further research is recommended to enhance the precision of these models

    Solution And Visualization 3D Plane Inverse Kinematics Method

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    The hyper-redundant type of robot is a type of robot that in carrying out its duties in the field of kinematics its degrees of freedom exceed the required minimum degrees. The advantage will be increased capability in operation and performance, if the degrees of freedom are excessive, even in unorganized and complex systems and environments. Algebraic approach method in inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; analytic algebra, jacobian basis, analytic KI, exponential multiplication, grobner, and conformal geometry. Iterative approach method in inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, ANFIS, and evolutionary algorithm. The geometric approach method in the inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; capital method. The purpose of this study is to analyze a virtual 2 arm robot, which will use axis manipulation in three dimensions using an inverse kinematics solution, using a geometric approach. How to step along on the z axis by rotating and using the reverse kinematics solution to the desired location. The visualization results will be repeated so as to ensure the effectiveness of the algorithm. As for this algorithm will provide a single solution, and this algorithm will prevent and reduce singularities if the link is lower

    Separation of Variables Method in Solving Partial Differential Equations and Investigating the Relationship between Gravitational Field Tensor and Energy-Momentum Tensor in Einstein's Theory of Gravity

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    This research delves into the study of partial differential equations (PDEs) and gravitational fields in spacetime. It focuses on solving PDEs using the Separation of Variables method and explores the relationship between the gravitational field tensor and the energy-momentum tensor, leading to the final equation for the gravitational field tensor. The research also investigates Einstein's theory of gravity and the energy-momentum tensor integral, providing the general solution for the gravitational potential and its implications. Additionally, the mean integration of the gravitational wave tensor is analyzed, yielding an expression for the tensor strain of gravitational waves over an infinitely long period. The components of the gravitational wave tensor and their effect on gravitational sources are examined. Furthermore, the propagation of electromagnetic fields in spacetime is studied using the Retarded Green's Function. The primary objectives of this research are to understand and explore mathematical techniques for solving PDEs and analyzing gravitational fields and their interactions in spacetime. The integration of multiple theoretical concepts related to PDEs, gravitational fields, and electromagnetic fields enhances our understanding of fundamental physics principles. This contributes to the advancement of theoretical physics and opens avenues for potential practical applications, such as gravitational wave detection and electromagnetic field propagation in complex media. In conclusion, this research provides valuable insights into fundamental physics principles and fosters a deeper understanding of their interconnections and implication

    Applying Problem-Based Learning in Thermodynamics to Enhance Comprehension of Physics Concepts and Argumentation Skills

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    To effectively teach the complex concept of thermodynamics, appropriate and innovative teaching methods are needed to ensure a correct and in-depth understanding. This study aims to evaluate the application of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model in teaching thermodynamics to enhance students' comprehension of concepts and argumentation skills. The research utilized a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group. Of the 50 participants, two distinct groups were formed through purposive sampling. A total of 27 participants underwent PBL instruction, while the remaining 23 participants received conventional learning instructions. The results revealed that students who were taught thermodynamics using the PBL model exhibited significant improvement in both conceptual understanding and argumentation skills compared to the control group. These participants displayed high engagement in tackling thermodynamic problems. PBL taught them how to argue comprehensively, emphasizing the cultivation of 'how to think' rather than just 'what to think' in addressing thermodynamic challenges. Based on these findings, this study recommends that physics educators consider incorporating PBL as a teaching strategy to bolster students' conceptual understanding and argumentation skills in thermodynamics

    Relationship Between BE4DBE2 and Variables n and z: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Linear Regression, Nonparametric Regression, Naive Bayes Classification, Decision Tree Analysis, SVM Analysis, K-Means Clustering, and Bayesian Regression

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    This research employed various statistical techniques, including linear regression, nonparametric regression, Naive Bayes classification, decision tree analysis, Support Vector Machine (SVM) analysis, k-means clustering, and Bayesian regression, to analyze nuclear data. The research aims to explore the relationships between variables, predict binding energy, classify nuclear data, and identify similar groups. The research results revealed that linear regression indicated a significant influence of the intercept and predictor variable 'n' on the variable 'BE4DBE2,' while the variable 'z' was not significant. However, the overall model had limited explanatory power. Nonparametric regression with smoothing functions effectively modeled the relationship between 'BE4DBE2' and variables 'n' and 'z,' explaining approximately 11% of the variability in the response variable. Classification using Naive Bayes successfully categorized nuclear data based on 'n' and 'z,' revealing their relationship. Decision tree analysis evaluated the performance of this classification model and provided insights into accuracy, agreement, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and negative predictive value. SVM analysis successfully built an accurate SVM model with a linear kernel, classifying nuclear data while depicting decision boundaries and support vectors. K-means clustering grouped nuclear data based on 'n' and 'z,' revealing distinct characteristics and enabling the identification of similar clusters. The Bayesian regression model predicted binding energy using 'n' and 'z' as independent variables, capturing the Gaussian distribution of 'BE4DBE2' and providing statistical measures for parameter estimation. Ccomprehensives nuclear data analysis using various statistical approaches provides valuable insights into relationships, predictions, classification, and clustering, contributing to the advancement of nuclear science and facilitating further research in this field


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    Ibn Sina, a Muslim philosopher and scientist, made significant contributions to the development of epistemology, the study of knowledge. His epistemological framework, which emphasizes the importance of reason, observation, and experience, has the potential to inform the development of physics teaching methods.</p

    The Development of Worksheet Based on Guided Discovery Learning Method Helped by PhET Simulations Interactive Media in Newton's Laws of Motion to Improve Learning Outcomes and Interest of Vocational Education 10th Grade Students

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    This research was aimed to produce students worksheet (LKPD) based on PhET Interactive Simulations Software in cognitive through the application of physics-based guided discovery learning model that is devoted to the concept of Newton's Law of Motion. Guided Discovery-based approach is expected and is believed to develop students' skills in various aspects of one study that showed achievement levels mastery of physics students after participating in the learning process under the expected educational purposes. Researchers conducted a study on the process of learning physics for the discovery-oriented at vocational senior high school students in Newton's law of motion with R&amp;D. Subjects were students of class X TKRO in the first semester of the academic year 2018-2019 in vocational high school in Ciamis, West Java Province as many as 35 students. Data collected through tests, observations and interviews.Ă‚